Aquila Formula 1000:
Granforce Racing
Joakim Granfors:
+46 707 63 33 00
A family team that started in 2009 with sports car racing and later successfully started in Aquila and Formula Nordic. The team’s drivers won both the Aquila Series and the Sportsman Cup in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, they won the Sportsman.
The team offers a variety of qualified services: everything from complete Arrive & Drive including catering to tent site and pure mechanic services.
SpeedLab Racing
Michael Karpers:
+46 708 86 40 98
SpeedLab Racing offers a wide range of services. Everything from Arrive & Drive to just renting a tent site and transport assistance. Other services include driver coaching with both data logging and video interpretation, engineering assistance, rental of mechanics, etc.